Monday, January 12, 2009

The Princess and Cinderella go for a walk

We took Tanya (the pink princess) and Christina (Cinderella before the fairy godmother) for a walk around the buildings. They picked up a puppy on the way and are seen conferring over it here.

The walk included Christina blackmailing us into taking her to the store in the adjacent housing complex and buying her and Tanya a stash of goodies to take back to the kids in their classes.

That evening Christina had a chocolate smear all over her chin.

Oh and I'll let you guess who got to carry the puppy back and keep it warm for most of the walk.

Well, this is the non-website picture of the Internaut – the freezing one. Tanya lives in the wing at the left, Sasha and Christina in the right.

Heidi, Max (our facilitator) and Vova and I went bowling at Jazz (the mall). Nice little modern 8-lane ally here.

Parents in training (taking the immersion course)

1 comment:

  1. Brother Erik, -4 C isn't even cold. We had school cancelled in Milwaukee today because the wind chill was -40 C.

    I'm trying to figure out who Erik was keeping warmest carrying that puppy.

    P.S. Giving in to "blackmail" by your kids is not the best precident.

    Love you guys!


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