Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter Smester, where is the candy

Firstly I want to thank those of you who caught up to me to shame me into updating and those of you who just thought that! I get the message. Spring has sprung and look, our summer is on the way!

Easter, wow, what a long time ago we landed at Baltimore-Washington Airport. We can still vividly remember the dark first days as the test of wills began. I remember sitting on the family room floor at five in the morning desperately searching the Internet for some form of support group and listening for the first sounds of movement that would mean we had very angry, frustrated and confused intruders or rather prisoners trying to escape.

Masha has come through the shock of an injury (we promise the kids were not involved in any way!) and is now working on recovery. The patience part of healing is a little harder with the kids to contend with. She has been overwhelmed by the well wishers, flowers and cards. She is a trooper and itching to get back in the game.

The week of Easter was very strange, having Friday off, in the week after break. The kids are confused enough by the pattern of a normal week and now compound that with extra off days when we both worked and Easter on top of that.

Our Church held their annual eggstravaganza event and as it turned out the light drizzle did not dampen their spirits in the least. The netted about 5 lbs of candy and goodies between them. The older and faster two made short work of the egg hunt. They all enjoyed the kiddie carnival immensely.

The world must be a very strange place here, with wonder upon wonder around each corner; dance classes, soccer, parades on Constitution Avenue with no less than Burt and Ernie compared to the seasonal monotony of their orphanage. With a steady methodical build up to each event on the calendar, carefully orchestrated to culminate in the musical play with a quarter of the 200 children performing for a smattering
of town VIPs and themselves.

The confusion is compounded since Masha is not speaking Russian to them, so explaining Easter was a little trickier. I don't know what the Orphanage interpretation of the passion was, but it was looked forward to when they understood that was ahead.

On Saturday night we took the kids to the Hanna Montana movie at a theaterplex in Crystal City. Sasha was singing along with a tune radio in English as we headed for the freeway, Tanya sitting on the edge of. Seat and Christina enthralled with what she could make of the story.

Flash! the kids ate spaghetti with sauce! I thought I was going to pass out!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but it is nice to know ya'll are stopping by to look.

Erik, Motrin is my friend


  1. Erik - We must put the "delay" blame where it goes. The other Erick dropped the ball! We all look forward to the "East Coast" feed for your blog. Lookin' good!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So glad to hear that things are coming together better. Wow, what a journey! And how fortunate the kids are to have you. I admire your courage and strength. Thanks for the update.


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