Monday, December 15, 2008

15 Dec 2008 The Appointment

Hi all;

So we made it through the weekend, a quiet one on the outskirts of the big city at my cousin's home. It was wonderful to get some sleep and relax. We enjoyed an evening church service that my cousin Ben spoke at.

Monday morning came and we headed in to the appointment at the SDA - it was in true big urban city fashion that we dropped the car off and caught the metro train in. And what was amazing to me was the location of the SDA - on the famous souvenir strasse (there is a technical street name to the street, but that is what they called it the two other visits I was out here as it is a great place to get souvenirs in Kiev)... St Andrews church is right there also, so that is pretty neat too.

So about the appointment... Ben dropped us with Sasha and he took us in and waited while three other families went ahead of us. The one that we saw next to our room was a family from Spain. So our time came to go in and we were presented with an opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell a little about us and our family and where we are from. Then the selection began and we began the discernment process. Well what we will tell you is that we were very pleased and comfortable with the selection that we made (and so was Sasha) as he being a strong Christian man gave us great indication that we were making a good choice for choosing a perspective family.

We will pick up the referral paperwork tomorrow late afternoon and then catch an evening train to an out lying area East of here. It should get us in to the town by 8 am Wed and we will meet the facilitator that will walk us through the meet up at the orphanage process.

Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers!

Also if you could add the Williams - they have court tomorrow that has been a tough process with a new female judge, the Jordans as they drive tomorrow to meet up with a 15 and 16 year old they had met this fall and begin the process to get a court date, and for the Halls that are working on the completion of adoption of four children they met last summer.

Thanks again and hope you all are well!

-Heidi and Erik Brun


  1. Looking forward to hearing of your trip. We returned home in September with 3 siblings. Life has changed at our house. Tell Ben, Tanya, and Sasha we said hello. So great to hear news of them also. God is good isn't he. Keep the faith.

  2. Heidi-
    I am praying for you and Eric and can't wait to meet your two new angels!
    God Bless.
    Havilah Ross

  3. Hi Heidi and Erik,

    How was your day? This is Christmas Day and you probably had a very interesting day. I am so glad you two are so connected to each other and you both want these children to be part of your family. What a wonderful experience this will be for both of you. I can't wait to meet them. Please don't think that I am going to be there as soon as you get home. You will need time to get adjusted to each other at home before you will be ready for guests. When you think it's time and you are ready, let me know and I will come with my credit card so we can go shopping.

    Was today the day the children had their physicals. I imagine that in itself was traumatic for them. Just think about the changes they are going through. I can't imagine what is going through their little heads.

    Today Gam, Betts and Duke were her and Holly and Don came with Leah and Joel after they put Esther and Jesse on a plan back to Philadelphia. Everyone had Christmas dinner here at my house and we had a really nice time. Christmas in St. Cloud was a wonderful time also. Jerry brought up the idea about having a scholarship fund in Ed's name at the Brainerd High school graduation for a graduating student. Everyone opted to go in on it and everyone over 18 years old put in $10 towards it to start it off. Jill, Melissa, EJ, Jerry and Holly are going to be the committee to find out how to work it with the school and get it going. Good idea huh? We will start with $100 per year and see where it goes. That will help someone with books at least.

    The Holiday Inn that we were at was a nice one and they had a great continental breakfast in the morning so it worked really well for everyone.

    I am off to bed. I have the next 3 days off so I will enjoy my time. Plan to do some shopping and also some work from home.

    I will call you on Saturday if I don't hear from you tomorrow.
    Love you both


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