Monday, February 9, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Home Again All

The main effort is over! Now the insurgency (sound familiar?). The enemy may not have a flag or uniform, but they warrant the same caution and respect.

The last battle of the Adoption, Ukraine edition:

The scene was the duty free shop in Borispil International airport. We had just cleared passports and security, to get into the waiting area. Heidi and I go into Duty Free to get some bribes for the kids and look for comfort food for us. I head out of the store to get Big Max who was watching the the bags, so he can help negotiate with the kids on goodies (not the place to do this shopping by the way). Well, three of them follow me out with an armful of goods in hand and the security goon hot on their heels. A set of mug shots where not taken.

A new day, a new struggle:

We made the flights and had a fantastic welcome Saturday night from our friends. The place looked amazing! Masha and the NCC Crew had painted the kids' room and assembled all the Ikea stuff to fit four in to the space available. Presents had been coming in for them and wrapping paper was flying. And all was bliss at the close of Saturday, but that's at midnight.

Now, the theme this week is: Prison Break, the movie

By 3 AM Sunday; we have been bitten, pinched, scratched, spit on and sweared at with the gusto of a Baltic sailor. The high point of Sunday was Christina and Max tossing the mattress out the 2nd floor bedroom window and threatening a jump.

The most memorable scene of Christina dismantling the louvers on the bedroom door and trowing them at me down the stairs. At first I watched her hit the door, and the louvers separated, then the fingers began to explore. When she got a good hold of one and gave it a good yank, it was all over. It was a Zombie film slo-mo; as the slats disappeared out of the frame and came at me whiffing through the air. Luckily she throws like a girl (ha ha).

Christina is the ring leader and Max is her henchman, Sasha less so and has a heart. Tanya is the victim who gets less attention since she isn't acting out.

Close of business Monday, calmer but movement in the background. 10 holes in the new hollow-core door I installed on Sunday. I have a sheet of plywood and a carpenter coming Tuesday to reinforce their door and secure the rest of the adult rooms.

We just found the new car tonight since we have to sell ours to get enough seats. Toyota won the drive off.

Our friends and Church members have been stopping by for moral, morale and tangible support. Tonight, our dinner was was catered by a great young couple at our church. They have Mondays, and the calender is filling up with volunteers.

I am at the point of tears when I think of all the help we have gotten and the help that is on the way; my nephew Max from California is in town and stopping by for lunch Tuesday; Heidi's Brother, Jerry, is heading to the airport on Thursday for a four day visit; and Babushka Dawn (Heidi's Mom) arrives later this month.

Love, the learning parent. Keep the prayers coming for the adjustment phase.


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